2007-10-05 |
Family, relatives, friends and many people in and
outside |
For everyone who wants to know more about Triloka, the Balinese Hindu-Buddhism concept of the cosmos, Mr. Thomas Moog
has done a comprehensive study in the German language by explaining the
representation of this concept in Tirtagangga. Surf at www.moogbooks.com, or click directly on
the chapters below. |
2007-05-26 |
The gardens resume its recreational function after
falling trees and other rubbish from the cyclone Jacob have been cleared away. The platform of the destroyed auditorium
is now clean and empty, waiting for the construction
to be reerected on the remaining foot blocks. |
Bad news! Like many
places in and around A
careful inventory of the damage will adjust the Masterplan to bring Tirtagangga back to its splendour shape.
Your donation is needed more than ever. |
For the previous
descriptions and photos in these latest news, please see images of the past.